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Stone tools hint at the origins of the modern human mind

2012/9/28 9:24:55 Source:www.boreway.com
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Despite intense scientific inquiry, there are still major gaps in our knowledge about early human life. One major question that remains unanswered: when humans were first capable of complex cognition? In other words, when did early humans develop sophisticated cognitive abilities, such as prioritization and cultural transmission, that we would recognize today?

A new study in Nature addresses this; after six years of excavation, archaeologists have unearthed technologically-advanced stone tools that were created about 71,000 years ago. This finding enhances our knowledge about the history of human tool use, suggesting that sophisticated cognitive abilities were present relatively early in human history. It also raises the possibility that tools may have given early humans an advantage as they ventured out of Africa.

The ancient tools, called microliths, were found at a site called Pinnacle Point in South Africa. Microliths are small stone tools—less than 50mm in length—that are heat-treated and trimmed into specific shapes.  The “bladelets” found at Pinnacle Point closely resemble tools from other sites that were used as the points of arrows and other compound projectile weapons. However, optical dating techniques suggest the Pinnacle Point tools are 6,000 to 10,000 years older than those found at other sites. So humans may have created and used bows and arrows earlier than previously thought.

Not only is this finding interesting in terms of weaponry, but the complex process required to make microliths suggests these early humans had surprisingly modern cognitive abilities. Early humans would have needed to identify and collect the mineral needed for the blade and the wood needed for the heat source, prepare the blades, create and maintain the controlled fire to heat-treat them, reshape the heated blades into microliths, carve wood or bone into shafts, and mount the microlith on the shaft to form a compound tool. Furthermore, the researchers believe microlithic technology persisted at Pinnacle Point for at least 11,000 years, indicating that this intricate process must have been passed down across multiple generations. Following—and passing along—this “recipe” implies microlith-makers living more than 70,000 years ago were capable of foresight, prioritization of tasks, and cultural transmission. All of those are certainly sophisticated cognitive capabilities.

Other studies have used symbolic representation, such as body ornaments and carved decorations, as a proxy for the modern human mind. These types of objects generally appear in the archaeological record between 100,000 and 60,000 years ago. However, critics have argued the thoughts motivating the creation and use of these objects is unclear, and therefore they are not a good proxy for advanced cognition. The authors of the Nature study disagree, saying that complex ideas and transmission are a better way to measure what makes a human mind “modern.” Interestingly, the age of the Pinnacle Point microliths—71,000 years—falls squarely in the range of when scientists believe symbolic representation first appeared on the scene.

The researchers assert the skill associated with making microliths would have been hugely beneficial to early humans. Projectile weapons such as bows and arrows would allow them to kill with greater accuracy and from longer distances.  Microlithic technology may have given early modern humans an advantage over both prey and Neanderthals, assisting their migration from Africa and perhaps enabling their eventual spread across the globe.



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